InvestChile portfolio of projects grows by 23% in 2020 to over US$21,000 million

A pesar de la pandemia, los proyectos de empresas extranjeras apoyadas por la Agencia aumentaron un 20%, alcanzando un total de 495 iniciativas en diferentes etapas de desarrollo.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that is affecting the world and has had a negative impact on the global economy and investment, the portfolio of projects supported by InvestChile showed positive results in 2020, with the amount managed rising by 23% to US$21,898 million, up from US$17,799 million at end-2019.

Similarly, the number of projects – at different stages of development – closed the year at 495, compared to 413 in 2019, equivalent to an increase of 20%.

According to the director of InvestChile, Andrés Rodríguez, it is important that overseas companies are continuing to choose Chile for their projects “since foreign investment will be crucial for the recovery of our economy and the creation of jobs in a post-pandemic scenario.”

“The contingency forced us to adapt our work and focus on supporting overseas companies already present in Chile, to avoid the stoppage of their projects amid the restrictions due to the pandemic, without neglecting the international promotion we undertook remotely throughout the year, including our annual seminar held in November,” said Rodríguez.

Among the foreign investors who used InvestChile’s services, the sector in which they showed most interest was energy, with projects for US$7,871 million, up by 20% on 2019. It was followed by mining and suppliers, with US$ 7,099 million (38%), and global services, with US$3,903 million (58%).

En el caso del país de origen de la inversión extranjera apoyada por la Agencia, Estados Unidos volvió al primer lugar, con proyectos por US $ 4.487 millones, lo que representó un incremento del 61% con respecto a 2019, mientras que Canadá ocupó el segundo lugar, con US $ 4.084 millones (un aumento del 42%) y China cayó al tercer lugar, con US $ 3.891 millones, un 20% menos que en 2019.


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